Developed in conjunction with
Zingiberaceae with about 50 genera and more than 1500 species are distributed mainly in the tropics and subtropics. India has rich diversity of Zingiberaceous plants. perhaps 200 of the world taxa occur in India. Many species are economically important as source of food.
Dr. M. Sabu took Ph. D. under the supervision of Late Prof. Jose K. Mangaly from the University of Calicut. Revised the Zingiberaceae of South India for Doctoral Degree of Calicut University. Served as Lecturer in various S.N. Colleges in Kerala State for fifteen years. Presently working as Professor in the Department of Botany, Calicut University. Recognised research guide of the University of Calicut. Five theses were awarded and eight Research Scholars are doing research in Taxonomy under the guidance of him. Published over 100 papers in Angiosperm Taxonomy in various National and International Journals. Also working as the Editor of the Journal Rheedea. He is the Officer-in-Charge, Calicut University Botanical Garden (CUBG) and the Secretary of Indian Association of Angiosperm Taxonomy (IAAT). He is a life member of several oraganization like Indian Botanical Society, Gregor Mendal Foundation etc. He attended and organized several International/National seminars/symposia. He delivered several invited lectures in India and abroad. He bagged several awards like Prof. Panchanan Maheswari Gold Medal (2010), Prof. V.V. Sivarajan Gold Medal (2014) etc. and elected as Fellow of the Linnaean Society (FLS) in 2012. He has been working on the Taxonomy of Indian Zingiberaceae for the past 25 years. Taxonomic Revision of South Indian Zingiberaceae was over and a book entitled “Zingiberaceae and Costaceae of South India” was released at Singapore Botanical Garden in July 2006. Another book on “Package of Practices of ornamental Gingers” was published in June 2011. Taxonomic Revision of Indian Zingiberaceae is progressing with over 180 species and 2000 accessions of live plants in the ginger gene bank of Calicut University Botanical Garden. This forms the largest collection of Indigenous gingers in India. Exotic and ornamental gingers from China, Japan, Thailand and Malaysia are also grown. Several research Institutions such as RGCB, NBPGR, IISR, CTCRI, BGIR etc make use of these collections for various studies. So far 26 new taxa and 5 cultivars of large cardamom were described and published from India and 9 more are in the process of publication. Three new generic records, 14 species records for India and 8 new records for Peninsular India were established. Four new combinations and 12 synonyms were established. Rediscovery of 10 species after a lapse of as many as 155 years were made. The IUCN status of all Indian gingers were assessed. The ornamental gingers are becoming more popular among horticulturists in many countries. India has a rich diversity of potential ornamental gingers. The domestication of ten valuable ornamental species has been made. The revision of Indian Marantaceae was over. The largest germplasm of Indian Musaceae and Marantaceae is established in the Botanical Garden of Calicut University. Which contain more than 40 taxa and over 200 accessions. Musaceae Revision is progressing well with six new taxa and several new records to India and rediscoveries after a lapse of 50 – 100 years.
MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS 1. Taxonomic Studies 1.1. Novelties: 1.1.1. New Species: 1. Alpinia smithiae M. Sabu & Mangaly 2. Curcuma codonantha Skornickova, M. Sabu & Prasanth 3. Curcuma coriacea Mangaly & M. Sabu 4. Curcuma haritha Mangaly & M. Sabu 5. Curcuma mutabilis Skornickova, M. Sabu & Prasanth 6. Curcuma raktakanta Mangaly & M. Sabu 7. Curcuma rubrobracteata Skornickova, M. Sabu & Prasanth 8. Curcuma vamana M. Sabu & Mangaly 9. Plagiostachys nicobarica M. Sabu, E. Sanoj & Prasanth Kumar. 10. Amomum andamanicum V.P. Thomas, M. Dan & M. Sabu. 11. Hedychium forrestii var. palaniense E. Sanoj & M. Sabu 12. Larsenianthus arunachalensis M. Sabu, E. Sanoj & T. Rajesh. 13. Amomum sahyadricum Thomas V.P. & M. Sabu 14. Hedychium nagamiense Sanoj, M. Sabu & V.P. Thomas. 15. Amomum nilgiricum V.P. Thomas & M. Sabu 16. Amomum agastyamalayanum V.P. Thomas & M. Sabu 17. Amomum newmanii M. Sabu & V.P. Thomas 18. Amomum dampuianum V.P. Thomas & M. Sabu & H. Lalramgingloa 19. Amomum mizoramense M. Sabu, V.P. Thomas & L. Vanchhawng 20. Amomum carnosum V.P. Thomas & M. Sabu 21. Musa velutina subsp. markkuana M. Sabu, Alfred J. and Sreejith, P.E. 22. Striga indica Prabhukumar, Jayanthi, M. sabu and Rajendran. 23. Musa velutina var. variegata A.Joe, M. Sabu & Sreejith. 24. Musa arunachalensis Alfred, Sreejith & M. Sabu. 25. Musa cylindrica A. Joe, Sreejith and M. Sabu 26. Musa balbisiana Var. elavazhai Alfred & M. Sabu
27. Boesenbergia maghalayensis Aishwarya & M. Sabu 28. Striga kamalii Omalsree, K. M. Prabhu, M. Sabu & Sunojkumar
1.1.2. New Cultivars 1. Amomum subulatum ‘Dzongu’ 2. Amomum subulatum ‘Green golsey’ 3. Amomum subulatum ‘Sawney’ 4. Amomum subulatum ‘Seremna’ 5. Amomum subulatum ‘Varlengey’ 1.2. New Name/New Combination: 1. Boesenbergia siphonantha (Baker) M. Sabu et al. 2. Curcuma bhatii (R.M. Sm.) Skornickova & M. Sabu 3. Etlingera fenzlii (Kurz) Skornickova & M. Sabu 4. Curcuma scaposa Skornickova & M. Sabu 1.3. New Generic Records: 1. Plagiostachys. The genus is represented by Plagiosthys nicobarica is a new genus and species record for India 2. Stahlianthus . The genus is represented by Stahlianthus involucratus (King ex Baker) R.M. Sm. is a new generic record for India. 3. Larsenianthus. The genus is represented by L. arunachalensis M. Sabu, E. Sanoj & T. Rajesh. is a new generic record for India. 1.4. New Species Records: 1.4.1. for India 1. Alpinia fax Burtt & Smith 2. Alpinia ovoidocarpa 3. Amomum fulviceps Thw. 4. Curcuma roscoeana Wall. 5. Curcuma zanthorrhiza Roxb. 6. Globba cernua Baker 7. Globba schomburgkii Hook. f. 8. Zingiber parishii 9. Amomum fulviceps 10. Hedychium forrestii 11. Stachyphrynium repens 12. Musa chunii 13. Musa laterita 14. Zingiber neotruncatum T.L. Wu et al. 1.4.2. for peninsular India 1. Hedychium spicatum Ham. ex Smith var. acuminatum (Roscoe) Wall. 2. Zingiber capitatum var. elatum 3. Curcuma caesia Roxb. 4. Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb. 5. Alpinia nigra (Gaertn.) B.L. Burtt 6. Alpinia abundiflora Burtt & Smith 7. Apocopis cochinhinensis A. Camus 8. Amomum ghaticum K.G. Bhat 1.5. Rediscoveries: 1. Amomum cereceum Roxb. 2. Hedychium wardii Fisch. 3. Zingiber ligulatum Roxb. 4. Amomum kingii Baker after 112 years 5. Amomum cannicarpum Thw. after 155 years 6. Musa ochracea K. Sheph. 7. Musa cheesmanii N.W. Simmonds after 57 years 8. Musa mannii H. wendel wx Baker after 122 years. 1.6. New Synonyms: 1. Curcuma nilamburensis Velay. et al. is reduced to C. mutabilis Skornickova, M. Sabu & Prasanth 2. Curcuma malabarica Velay. et al. is reduced to C. zedoaria. Roxb. 3. Curcuma raktakanta is reduced to C. zedoaria Roxb. 4. Curcuma kurzii King ex Baker is reduced to C. roscoeanaWall. 5. Curcuma peethapushpa is reduced to C. vamana M. Sabu & Mangaly. 6. Curcuma kudagensis is reduced to C. neilgherrensis Wight. 7. Kaempferia siphonantha Baker to Boesenbergia siphonantha. 8. Curcuma ecalcarata Sivar. & Indu is reduced to C. aurantiaca Zijp. 9. Curcuma lutea (Ansari et al.) V.A. Amalraj et al. is reduced to C. oligantha Trimen var. lutea (Ansari et al.) K.G. Bhat. 10. Hedychium luteum Baker is reduced to H. marginatum C.B. Clarke. 11. Phrynium nicobaricum Balakr. is reduced to P. paniculatum Didr. 12. Musa nagensium var. hongii is reduced to M. nagensium. 1.7. Probable new Taxa: 1. Amomum (5 spp.) 2. Hedychium (2 sp.) 3. Zingiber (2 sp.) 4. Globba (1 sp.)
Currently acting as Principal Investigator of several DST/DBT/MoEF Projects, Government of India, New Delhi. Recent Research Publications:
116. Thomas V.P., E. Sanoj and M. Sabu.2016. Amomum meghalayense (Zingiberaceae): a new species from North East India. Phytotaxa …………. (IF- 1.79) (ISSN 1179-3163 (online) 1179- 2155 (print); 1179-3163 (online). doi. 115. Alfred Joe, Sreejith P.E.,and M. Sabu 2014. A new variety of Musa sikkimensis Kurz. and notes on the Taxonomic history off M.sikkimensis (MUsaceae) from North east India. Webbia 114. Ashfak Ahamad O., T. Prathibha, K.V. Mohanan, and M. Sabu. 2015. Invitro propogation studies on ornamental pink ginger through rhizome explants. In: Mohanan K.V. et al. (Ed.). prospects in Forestry and agriculture. Kerala Forest research institute, Peechi, Thrissur. 113. Mohamed Salim, Ahmadul Kabeer, A. Ajikumaran Nair, Dan Mathew, M. Sabu and Sabulal Baby 2015.Chemical profile, antiproliferative and antioxidant activities of rhizome oil of Zingiber anamalayanum from Western Ghats in india. Natural Products Research ISSN: 1478-6419 (Print) 1478-6427 (Online) Journal homepage: 112. Aiswarya,K., K.M. Prabhukumar, & M. Sabu. 2015. Boesenbergia kingii (Zingiberaceae): a new record for South India. Webbia: J. Plant Tax. &Geography. doi: 10.1080/00837792.2015.1055926. 111. Prabhu Kumar K. M., V.P. Thomas, M. Sabu, A.V. Prasanthand K.V. Mohanan 2015. Induced mutation in ornamental gingers (Zingiberaceae) using chemical mutagens viz. Colchicine, Acrydine and Ethyl methane sulphanate. J. Hort. Forestry and Biotech. 19(2): 18-27. 2015. 110. Omalsree M., K.M. Prabhukumar, M. Sabu, P. Sunoj Kumar, Binu Thomas, A. Rajendran & V.K. Srinivas. 2015.A new species of Striga. Section Polypleureae (Orobranchaceae) from Southern Western ghats of India. Phytotaxa 212(2): 163-168. (IF- 1.79) (ISSN 1179-3163 (online) 1179- 2155 (print); 1179-3163 (online). doi. 109. Jattisha, P.I. & M. Sabu. 2015. Foliar Phytoliths as an aid to the identification of Paniceae (Panicoideae: Poaceae) grasses in South India. Webbia: J. Pl. Taxon. & Geography 70(1): 115-131. doi: 10.1080/00837792.2015.1005908. 108. Sanoj, E. & M. Sabu.2015. On the identity and Typification of Hedychium deceptum (Zingiberaceae), an earlier name for H. rubrum. Novon 24(1): 46-49 DOI. 10.3417/2010083. (IF. 0.06). 107. V.P. Thomas & M. Sabu. 2015. Rediscovery of Amomum kingii Baker (Zingiberaceae): Endemic and highly threatened ginger from Sikkim, India. J. Threatened Taxa 7 (3): 7034-7036. DOI. 10.11609.JOTT.03589. ISSN. 0974-790 (Online). ISSN. 0974-7893 (Print). 106. Hareesh, V.S., V.B. Sreekumar, K.M. Prabhukumar, M. Sabu & K.A. Sreejith. 2015.Lectotypification of Ophiorrhiza heterostyla Dunn and the new record of Ophiorrhiza rugosa Wall. Var. angustifolia (Thwaites) Ridsale (Rubiaceae) for India. Webbia: J. Pl. Taxon. & Geography 70(1): 109-112. doi: 10.1080/00837792.2015.1015249. 105. Aswathi,P., K. Aswani & M. Sabu. 2015. Pollination Biology of Costus woodsonii Maas (Costaceae). International J. Repr. Biology. 7(2): DOI.10.14787/ijprb. 2015.7.2.(in Press) 104. Aiswarya,K., Vinitha M.R., G. Thomas & M. Sabu. 2015. A new species of Boesenbergia and rediscovery of B. rotunda (Zingiberaceae) from India . Phytotaxa196 (3): 186-196. (IF- 1.79) (ISSN 1179-3163 (online) 1179- 2155 (print); 1179-3163 (online). doi. 103. Alfred Joe, Sreejith P.E.,and M. Sabu 2014. A new variety of Musa balbisiana Colla (Musaceae), from South India. Phytotaxa 175 (2): 113-116. (ISSN 1179-3163 (online) 1179- 2155 (print); 1179-3163 (online).doi. 102. Prabhu Kumar K. M., V.P. Thomas, M. Sabu, and K.V. Mohanan 2014. Off season flower induction of Praying Mantis ginger: Larsenianthus careyanus (Benth.) W.J. Kress & Mood (Zingiberaceae) through low temperature and night break. J. Ornamental Plants 4(2): 69-77. (ISSN: 2251-6433 (print); 2251- 6441(online). 101. Vinitha M.R., S.K. Unnikrishnan, K. Aiswarya, M. Sabu and G. Thomas. 2014. Prospects for discriminating Zingiberaceae species in India using DNA Barcodes. J. Integrative Biology. 1-14. (ISSN-1744-7909) (IF: 3.75). 100. Alfred Joe, Sreejith P.E.,Ashfak O.A. and M. Sabu 2014. Regarding the identity,rediscovery and Taxonomic history of Musa nagensium Prain (Musacae) for India.Rheedea 24(1): 05-11. (ISSN: 0971-2313). 99. Alfred Joe, Sreejith P.E.,and M. Sabu 2014. Musa cylindrica, a new species of Musa (Musaceae) from North East India. Phytotaxa 172 (2): 137-140.(ISSN 1179-3163 (online) 1179- 2155 (print); 1179-3163 (online). doi. 98. Prabhu kuamr, K.M., G.R. Ashish, M. Sabu, Indira B. 2014. Significance of gingers in Indian systems of medicine – Ayurveda: an overview. Ancient Science of Life 32(4): 253-261. (ISSN: print 0257-7941; Online 2249-9547). 97. Prabhu Kumar K. M., V.P. Thomas, M. Sabu, A.V. Prasanth and K.V. Mohanan 2014. Systematic and variability studies in Hidden purple ginger, Curcuma inodora Blatter J. (Zingiberaceae) – an endemic promising ginger from Peninsular India. Webbia:J. Plant Taxonomy and Gepgraphy 69(1): 123-130 (ISSN: 0083 – 7792). 96. Alfred Joe, Sreejith P.E.,and M. Sabu 2014. Notes on the rediscovery, taxonomic history and conservation status of Musa manii H. Wendl ex. Baker (Musaceae). Webbia:J. Plant Taxonomy and Gepgraphy 69(1): 115-120 (ISSN: 0083 – 7792). 95. Alfred Joe, Sreejith P.E.,and M. Sabu 2014. On the rediscovery and extended distribution of Musa cheesmanii (Musaceae) from North East India. International J. Plant animal Environ. Aciences. 4(2): 1-4. (ISSN 2231-4490). 94. Sreejith P.E., M. Sabu and Alfred Joe 2013. On the identity and typification of Phrynium nicobaricum (Marantaceae) from Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Taiwania 59(1): 71-75. 2013. .(ISSN: 0065-1125). 93. Sharanya, M., K. Aswani and M. Sabu. 2014. Pollination Biology of Callistemon citrinus (Curtis) Skeels (Myrtaceae). Inter. J. Pl. Repr. Biol. 6(1): 105-110. 92. M. Sabu, Alfred Joe & P. E. Sreejith 2013. On the rediscovery of Musa ochracea K.Sheph. (Musaceae) from North East India. Taiwania 58 (4):321-325.(ISSN: 0065-1125)DOI: 10.6165/tai.2013.58.321) 91. Sreejith P.E., Alfred Joe and M. Sabu 2013. Musa arunachalensis: a new species of Musa section Rhodochlamys (Musaceae) from Arunachal Pradesh, Norteastern India. Phytotaxa 134(12): 49-54. (IF: 1.79) 90. Alfred Joe, Sreejith P.E.,and M. Sabu 2013. Notes on Rediscovery and Taxonomic status of Musa flaviflora N.W. simmonds and M. thomsonii (King ex Schumann) A.M. Cowan and Cowan (Musaceae) from India. Annals Plant Sciences 2(8): 260-267 (ISSN: 2287-688X). 89. Aswani, K., M.Sabu and K.P. Smisha 2013. Reproductive Bology of Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M. Sm.: Ornamental torch ginger. International J. Plant Animal & Environmental Science. 3(4): 1-5. (ISSN: 2231-449O) (IF: 0.297) 88. Aslam R. Pathan, G.P. Vandere and M. Sabu 2013. Curcuma caesia almost untouched Drug: An updated Ethnopharmacological Review. Inverti rapid: Planta Activa 2013(4): 1-4 (ISSN 2278-411X) 87.Sanoj, E., M. Sabu and A.K. Pradeep 2013. Circumscription and lectotypification of Hedychium villosum and its variety H. villosum var. tenuiflorum (Zingiberaceae). Phytokeys 25: 75-85. (doi. 10.3897/phytokeys@4113. 86. M. Sabu, P.E. Sreejith, Alfred Joe and A.K. Pradeep 2013. Zingiber neotruncatum: A new distributional record for India. Rheedea 23(1): 46-49.2013.ISSN: 0971-2313. 85. Prabhu Kumar K. M., M. Sabu. and V.P. Thomas, 2013. Effect of Temperature and light on the promotion of off-season flowering in Island purple ginger, Boesenbergia siphonantha (Baker) M. Sabu et al. (Zingiberaceae)- A promising ornamental ginger from Andaman Islands. J. Horticulture Forestry Biotech. 17(1): 144-147. ISSN: 2006-1797. 84. Bavana B. Nair, K.M. Prbhukumar, M. Sabu & K.V. Mohanan2013. A study on the effect of a non hormonal Homoeopathic growth promoter on the growth and flowering of rainbow ginger (Curcuma aurantiaca Zijip) J. Non Timber Forest Products 20(1): 13-16. 2013. 83. V.P. Thomas, M. Sabu and H. Lalramnghinglova. 2013. Amomum dampuianum and A. mizoramense spp. Npv. (Zingiberaceae) from Mizoram, North-East India. Nordic J. Botany. Online- ISSN: 1756-1051. ISSN: 0107-055X. (IF: 0.551) 82. Kulkarni D K, Sampada Bhusare, A R Kasarkar and M Sabu. 2013. New Report of Zingiber capitatum Roxb from Mendha Lekha, Maharashtra. Sci. Res. Rep. 3(1):49-52.ISSN: 2249-2321 (Print) 81. M. Sabu, Alfred Joe & P. E. Sreejith 2013.Musa chunii Häkkinen (Musaceae): An addition to the wild banana flora of India and notes on conservation of a Critically Endangered species. Annals of Plant Sciences.2(5): 1-3. ISSN: 2287-688X 80. Alfred Joe, M. Sabu and P.E. Sreejith. 2014. A new variety of Musa velutina H. Wendl. & Drude (Musaceae) from Assam, North-East India. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 300: 13-17. DOI: 10.1007/s00606-013-0855-1(IF: 1.312) 79. Sabu, M. K. M. Prabhu Kumar, Thomas, V.P. and Mohanan K.V. 2013. Variability studies in ‘Peacock Ginger’, Kaempferia elegans Wall. (Zingiberaceae). Annals of Plant Sciences. 2(5): 138-140.ISSN: 2287-688X. 78. Alfred J., M. Sabu, A. Ashfak and P.E. Sreejith. 2013. Musa laterita Cheesman (Musaceae): A new record for India from the wild, with key to the Musa (Section Rhodochlamys) in India. Folia Malaysiana 14(1): 37-44. 77. Sabu, M., Alfred Joe and P.E. Sreejith. 2013. Musa velutina sub. sp. Markkuana (Musaceae): A new subspecies from Northeastern India. Phytotaxa 92(2): 49-54. (IF: 1.79) 76. Thomas, V.P., M. Sabu and K. M. Prabhu Kumar. 2013. Amomum sahyadricum (Zingiberaceae): A New Species from Western Ghats, India. Novon. 22: 321-324. ISSN: 1055-3177.(IF: 0.195). 75. Sanoj, E. and M. Sabu. 2012. On the identity and typification of Hedychium deceptum (Zingiberaceae), an earlier name for H. rubrum. Novon ………. ISSN: 1055-3177.(IF: 0.195). 74. Jattisha, P.I. and M. Sabu. 2012. Phytolyths as tool for the identification of some Cloridioideae grasses of Kerala. ISRN Botany. Vol.12. Article ID. 246057, 19 pages doi: 12/2012/246057. 73. Jayanthi P., K. M. Prabhu Kumar, A. Rajendran, Binu Thomas, M. Sabu and A. K. Pradeep. 2013. Striga indica (Orobranchaceae): a new parasitic species from Southern Western Ghats of India. Feddes Repertorium. 123:1-8. DOI: 10.1002/feder.201200025. 72. Prabhu Kumar K. M., V.P. Thomas, A.V. Prasanth and M. Sabu. 2012. Conservation of selected wild potential ornamental gingers in India: Domestication and cultural practice. Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation. 391-395. 71. Thomas, V.P., K. M. Prabhu Kumar M. Sabu, A.V. Prasanth and Mohanan K.V. 2012. Effect of sucrose and Benzyl Adenine in the promotion of cut flower vase life in Alpinia purpurata Vieill., a charming ornamental ginger. Journal of Research in Plant Sciences. 1(2): 89-92. 70. V.P. Thomas, M. Sabu and S.K. Chaturvedi. 2012. Amomum carnosum (Zingiberaceae): A new species from Nagaland, North-East India. Kew Bulletin. 67(3): 549-553. ISSN: 0075-5974 (Print) 1874-933X (Online). 69. Thomas V.P. and M. Sabu. 2012. Two New Species of Amomum(Zingiberaceae) From Western Ghats, India. Edinburgh J. Botany. 69(2): 1-9. ISSN: 0960-4286. 68. Aswani K. and M. Sabu. 2012. Pollination Biology of Stictocardia tiliifolia (Desr.) Hall. f. (Convolvulaceae). Inter. J. Plant Repr. Biology 4(1): 5-8.ISSN: 0975-4296 (print)). ISSN: 2249-7390 (online). 67. Thomas V.P., M. Sabu and P.M. Salim. 2012. On the identity and typification of Amomum cannicarpum (Zingiberaceae): A narrowly endemic and endangered plant from Western Ghats, South India. Kew Bulletin 67(1): 1-5. 2012. ISSN: 0075-5974 (Print) 1874-933X (Online). 66. Sanoj, E. and M. Sabu. 2011. The identity of Hedychium marginatum C.B. Clarke (Zingiberaceae), and a new species, H. nagamiense from North-eastern India. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 18(2): 169-176.ISSN: 1028-2092 (print). ISSN:2224-7297 (online). (IF: 0.674). 65.Rajesh kumar, T., M. Sabu and V.P. Thomas. 2011. Stachyphrynium repens (Marantaceae): A new record for India from Andaman and Nicobar islands. Rheedea 21(2): 139-141. ISSN: 0971-2313. 64. Thomas, V.P., M. Sabu, K.M. Prabhu Kumar 2011. Amomum nilgiricum (Zingiberaceae), a new species from Western Ghats, India. Phytokeys 8: 99-104. ISSN: 1314-2003 (online). ISSN:1314-2011 (print). 63. Eliska Zaveska, Tomas fer, Otakar Sida, Jana Leong-Skornickova, Mamyil Sabu and Karol Marhold. 2011. Genetic diversity patterns in Curcuma reflect differences in genome size. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 165(4): 388-401. ISSN (printed): 0024-4074. ISSN(electronic): 1095-8339. SCI, (IF: 2.821). 62. Nirmal Babu, K., M. Sabu, K.N. Shiva, Minoo Divakaran and P.N. Ravindran. 2012. Chapter 15. Ginger. In. Ram J. Singh ed. Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement: Medicinal Plants, Volume 6 . 393-450. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, New York. ISSN: 0038-4046. 61. Nirmal Babu, K., K.N. Shiva, M. Sabu, Minoo Divakaran and P.N. Ravindran. 2012. Chapter 16. Turmeric. In. Ram J. Singh ed. Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement: Medicinal Plants, Volume 6. 451-517. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, New York. ISSN: 0038-4046. 60. Prasanth, A.V., K.M. Prabhukumar, V.P. Thomas, M. Sabu and K.V. Mohanan. 2010. Rainbow ginger (Curcuma aurantiaca Zjp.) – A potential ornamental ginger. J. Non- timber forest Products. 17(a): 349-352. ISSN: 0971-9415. 59. Sanoj, E., M. Sabu & T. Rajesh Kumar. 2010. Hedychium forrestii (Zingiberaceae) with a new synonymy and a variety from India. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 4(2): 633-639. ISSN: 1934-5259. 58. Rakhi, K.P., T.P. Preethi, K. Shinija,, M. Sabu, P.V. Madhusudanan & Sailas Benjamin. 2010. Micropropogation and Chemical Profiling of Alpinia purpurata and Hitchenia careyana. J. Trop. Med. Pl. 11(2): 159-162. ISSN: 1511-8525. 57. V.P. Thomas, M. Dan, M. Sabu & M.A. Jabbar. 2010. Amomum andamanicum (Zingiberaceae): a new species from the Andaman Islands, India. Blumea 55: 2010: 295– 299. ISSN: 0006-5196. (IF: 0.699). 56.Preethi, T.P., K. Shinija, Rakhi, K.P., M. Sabu, P.V. Madhusudanan & Sailas Benjamin. 2010. Micropropogation and Chemical Profiling of Curcuma aromatica J. Trop. Med. Pl. 11(1): 65-67. ISSN: 1511-8525. 55. Kress W. J., Mood J.D, Sabu M, Prince L.M, Dey S, & Sanoj E (2010) Larsenianthus, a New Asian Genus of Gingers (Zingiberaceae) with Four Species. Phyto Keys 1: 15–32. ISSN:1314-2003(online). ISSN: 1314-2011(print). 54. Prabhu Kumar, K. M., M. Sabu, V. P. Thomas, G. Nimisha and K. V. Mohanan, 2010. Red Ginger: A Promising Crop for Floriculturists. Plant Hortitech, 10(1): 40- 43. 53. Prabhu Kumar, K. M., M. Sabu, V. P. Thomas, A. V. Prasanth and K. V. Mohanan. 2010. A study of island purple ginger [Boesenbergiasiphonantha (Baker) M. Sabu et al.]- a potential ornamental ginger of the tropics. Indian J. Bot. Res6(1&2):165-170. ISSN: 0973-2233. 52. Thomas, V. P., K. M. Prabhu Kumar, A. V. Prasanth, M. Sabu and K. V. Mohanan. 2010. Induction of off-season flowering in three species of Zingiberaceae through low temperature treatment and night break. Indian J. Bot. Res. 6(1&2):129-134. ISSN: 0973-2233. 51. Kavitha, P. G., A. G. Kiran, R. Dinesh Raj, M. Sabu and G. Thomas. 2010. Amplified fragment length polymorphism analyses unravel a striking difference in the intraspecific genetic diversity of four species of genus Zingiber Boehm. from the Western Ghats, South India. Current Science, 98(2): 242-247. ISSN: 0011-3891. (IF: 0.935). 50. Thomas, V.P. and M. Sabu. 2010. Taxonomy of the genus Amomum Roxb. (Zingiberaceae) in Kerala. Proc. 22nd Kerala Science Congress 28-31 Jan. 2010. Peechi pp. 765-767. 49. Thomas, V.P., M. Sabu and U. Gupta. 2009. Taxonomic studies on cultivars of Amomum subulatum (Zingiberaceae). Rheedea 19(1&2): 19- 32. ISSN: 0971-2313. 48. Thomas, V.P., E. Sanoj, M. Sabu and M.V. Prasanth. 2009. On the identity and occurrence of Amomum fulviceps (Zingiberaceae) in India. Rheedea 19(1&2): 13- 18. ISSN: 0971-2313. 47. Prabhu Kumar, K.M., V.P. Thomas and M. Sabu. 2010. Economically Important Gingers. Proc. 22nd Kerala Science Congress 28-31 Jan. 2010. Peechi pp. 816-817. 46. Sabu, M., V.P. Thomas & M.C. Shameer. 2009. Zingiber parishii (Zingiberaceae): A new record for Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Acta Bot. Hungarica 51(3-4): 363- 366. ISSN(printed): 0236-6495. ISSN(electronic): 1588-2578. (IF: 0.674). 45. Shinija, K., T.P. Preethi, K.P. Rakhi, M. Sabu, P.V. Madhusudanan & Sailas Benjamin. 2009. Micropropogation and Chemical Profiling of Zingiber zerumbet. J. Trop. Med. Pl. 10(1): 55-59. ISSN: 1511-8525. 44. Sailas Benjamin, T.P. Preethi, K. Shinija, , K.P. Rakhi & M. Sabu. 2009. Micropropogation and chemical profiling of Alpinia malaccensis and Hedychium coccineum. J. Trop. Med. Pl. 10(1): 95-99. ISSN: 1511-8525. 43. Skornickova, J. L., M. Sabu, M. G. Prasanth. 2008. Transfer of Amomum fenzlii a Nicobar Islands endemic to Etlingera (Zingiberaceae): Gardens Bull. Singapore 60(2): 381-387. ISSN: 0374-7859. 42. Jayasree, S. & M. Sabu. 2008. Anatomical Studies on the genus Amomum Roxb. (Zingiberaceae) South India. Indian J. Bot. Res. Vol. 4 (3 & 4). 377- 384. ISSN: 0973-2233. 41. Skornickova, J. L., O. Sida, , M. Sabu, K. Marhold. 2008. Taxonomical and Nomenclatural puzzles in Indian Curcuma: The identity and Nomenclatural history of C. zedoaria (Christm.) Roscoe and C. zerumbet Roxb. (Zingiberaceae). Taxon 57(3): 949-962. ISSN: 0040-0262. (IF: 2.703). 40. Sanoj, E., V.P. Thomas, M. Sabu & T. Rajesh Kumar. 2008. Stahlianthus involucratus (King ex Baker) R.M. Smith (Zingiberaceae): A new generic record for India. Folia Malaysiana 9(1): 43-50. ISSN: 1511-8916. 39. Sabu, M., E. Sanoj & A.K. Pradeep. 2008. Alpinia ovoidocarpa H. Dong & G.J. Xu. (Zingiberaceae): A new record for India. Acta Botanica Hungarica 50(3-4): 391- 395. ISSN(printed): 0236-6495. ISSN (electronic): 1588-2578. (IF: 0.593). 38. Thomas, V.P., V.A. Muhammed Nissar & M. Sabu. 2008. Vegetative propagation of Hitchenia careyana Benth. (Zingiberaceae) through stem cuttings. Indian J. Bot. Res. 4(2): 325-328. ISSN: 0973-2233. 37. P.G. Kavitha, Prathibha Nair, RA Nair, B’K. Jayachandran, M. Sabu, G. Thomas In: R. Kesava Chandran, P. Nazeem, D. Girija, P.S.D. John and K.V. Peter. 2007.AFLP Polymorphism and Pythium response in Zingiber species. Recent trends in Horticultural Biotechnology Vol. II. pp. 497-503. New India Publishing Agency. 37. Sabu, M., & E. Sanoj 2007. Conservation of gingers in the Calicut University Botanical Garden. Proc. 3rd Global Botanic Gardens Congress. 1- 10. 36. Sabu, M., E. Sanoj & M.G. Prasanth kumar 2008. Plagiostachys nicobarica (Zingiberaceae): New Generic Record and a New Species from Nicobar Islands, India. Blumea. 531: 329-334. ISSN: 0006-5196. (IF: 0.699). 35. Thomas, V.P., M. Sabu & U. Gupta 2006. Taxonomy of Amomum subulatum Roxb. Cultivars (Zingiberaceae). In: K. Daniel Kutty. Proc. Nat. Workshop on Modern Trends in Angiosperm Taxonomy. 48. St. Thomas college, Kozhenchery. 34. Skornickova, J. L., O. Sida, V. Jarolimova, M. Sabu, T. Fer, & P. Travnieek. 2007. Chromosome numbers and genome size variation in Indian species of Curcuma (Zingiberaceae). Annals of Botany 100:505-526. ISSN (printed): 0305-7364. ISSN (electronic): 1095-8290. (IF: 4.3). 33. Sabu, M. 2006. Numerical Taxonomy. In: K. Daniel Kutty. Proc. Nat. Workshop on Modern Trends in Angiosperm Taxonomy. 21-30. St. Thomas college, Kozhenchery. 32. Skornickova, J., T. Rehse and M. Sabu. 2006. Other economically important Curcuma species. In: Ravindran, P.N. and Nirmal Babu Ed. Monograph- Turmeric: The genus Curcuma. 453- 466. C.R.C. Press, Bocaratan, Florida, U.S.A. 31. Sabu, M. and A.K. Pradeep. 2005. Glorious Hedychiums of N.E. India. Folia Malaysiana 6(1&2) 5-16. ISSN: 1511-8916. 30. Sabu, M. and M.G. Prasanth Kumar 2005. Revision of Amomum (Roxb.) (Zingiberaceae) in South India. In: A.K. Pandey, Jun Wen and J.V.V. Dogra (Ed.) Plant Taxonomy: advances and Relavance CBS Publishers and Distributors,New Delhi, 363-377. 29. Sabu, M. and Sanoj, E. 2005. Reintroduction of Paracautleya bhatii R.M. Smith. Investing in Nature-India. Proc. National Workshop on plant translocation- enriching India’s flora by returning rare plants to nature.15-16. 28. Skornickova, J. and M. Sabu. 2005. The Recircumscription of Curcuma L. to include the genus Paracautleya R.M. Sm. Garden’s Bull. Singapore. 51: 37- 46. ISSN: 0374-7859. 27. Prasanth Kumar, M.G., J. Skornickova, M. Sabu and S. Jayasree. 2005. Conservation Priority and phytogeographical significance of Rhynchanthus longiflorus Hook. f. (Zingiberaceae): A rare, endangered species from Mizo hills, N.E. India. Current Science 88: 6. 977 - 980. ISSN: 0011-3891. (IF: 0.935). 26. Skornickova, J. and M. Sabu. 2005. The identity and distribution of Curcuma zanthorrhiza Roxb. Garden’s Bull. Singapore. 57: 199- 210. ISSN: 0374-7859. 25. Skornickova, J. and M. Sabu. 2005. Curcuma roscoeana Wall. (Zingiberaceae) in India. Garden’s Bull. Singapore. 57: 187- 198. ISSN: 0374-7859. 24. Jayasree, S. and M. Sabu. 2005. Anatomical studies of the genus Curcuma L. (Zingiberaceae) in India. In: A.K. Pandey, Jun Wen and J.V.V. Dogra(Ed.) Plant Taxonomy: advances and Relavance CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 475-492. 23. P.G. Kavitha, Pratibha Nair, R. Aswathi Nair, B.K. Jayachandran, M. Sabu and George Thomas. 2005. AFLP Polymorphism and Pythium response in Zingiber species. Proceedings of the national symposium on Biotechnological Interventions for Improvement of Horticultural Crops: Issues and Strategies.232- 234. 22. Sabu, M., M. G. Prasanthkumar, J. Skornickova & S. Jayasree. 2004. Transfer of Kaempferia siphonantha Baker to Boesenbergia Kuntze (Zingiberaceae). Rheedea 14(1&2): 55-59. ISSN: 0971-2313. 21. Sabu, M. and Dave Skinner, 2004. Other economically important Zingiber species. In: Ravindran P.N. and Nirmal Kumar (Ed.). Monograph-Ginger: the genus Zingiber. 533-545. C.R.C. Press, Bocaratan, Florida, U.S.A. 20. Sabu, M. 2004. Profile of Calicut University Botanical Garden. Proc. Investing in nature-India, National workshop on Information Management of Biodiversity (Plant genetic) Resources in Botanic Gardens of India. pp.73. 19. Skornickova, J., M. Sabu and M.G. Prasanth kumar, 2004. Curcuma mutabilis. A new species from South India. Garden’s bulletin Singapore 56 (2004): 43-54. ISSN: 0374-7859. 18. Sabu, M. and J. Skornickova. 2003. Curcuma aeruginosa – A source plant for East Indian Arrow root – Extraction and uses. Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 196-200. 17. Skornickova, J., M. Sabu and M.G. Prasanth kumar. 2003. Curcuma codonantha. A new species from Andaman Islands, India. Garden’s Bulletin Singapore 55: 219-228.ISSN: 0374-7859. 16. Skornickova, J., M. Sabu and M.G. Prasanth kumar. 2003. A new species of Curcuma L. (Zingiberaceae) from Mizoram, India. Garden’s Bulletin Singapore 55: 89-95. ISSN: 0374-7859. ISSN: 0374-7859. 15. Sabu, M. 2002. Revision of the genus Zingiber in South India. Folia Malaysiana 4(1): 25-52. ISSN: 1511-8916. 14. Prasanth Kumar, M.G., M. Sabu and S. Jayasree. 2002. Alpinia fax Burtt & Smith. A new record for South India. Rheedea. 12(2): 179-183. ISSN: 0971-2313. 13. Skornickova, J. and M. Sabu. 2002. The genus Curcuma L. in India: Resume and future prospects. In: A.P. Das. Perspectives of Plant Biodiversity 45-51. Bishen Singh Mahendrapal Singh, Dehra Dun. 12. Sabu, M. and S. Jayasree.2001. Apocopis cochinchinensis A. Camus (Poaceae) A new record for Kerala. J. Econ. Tax. Botany. 25(3): 611-613. ISSN: 2050-9768. 11. Sabu, M. 2000. Hedychium spicatum Ham. ex Smith var. acuminatum (Roscoe) Wall. A new record for Peninsular India. Rheedea 10(1): 73-76. ISSN: 0971-2313. 10. Sabu, M. and J.K. Mangaly. 1996. Taxonomic Revision of South Indian Zingiberaceae. Proc. 2nd Symp. Fam. Zingiberaceae, South China Botanical garden, Guangzhou, China. 15- 22. 9. Mangaly, J.K. and M. Sabu. 1993. A taxonomic revision of the South Indian species of Curcuma L. (Zingiberaceae). Rheedea 3(1): 139-171. ISSN: 0971-2313. 8. Mangaly, J.K. and M. Sabu. 1992. A taxonomic revision of South Indian Alpinia Roxb. Zingiberaceae). Rheedea 2(1): 38-51. ISSN: 0971-2313. 7. Sabu, M. and J.K. Mangaly. 1991. Alpinia smithiae (Zingiberaceae): A new species from South India. Edinburgh J. Bot. 48: 69-71. ISSN: 0960-4286. 6. Sabu, M. and J.K. Mangaly. 1989. Curcuma caesia Roxb. (Zingiberaceae): A new record from South India. Indian J. For. Add. Ser. 1: 15-17. 5. Mangaly, J.K. and M. Sabu. 1989. A new species of Curcuma from South India. Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 45: 429-431.ISSN: 0960-4286. 4. Sabu, M. and J.K. Mangaly. 1988. Globba cernua (Zingiberaceae): A new record for India. J. Econ. Tax. Bot.12 (2):478-480. ISSN: 2050-9768. 3. Sabu, M. and J.K. Mangaly. 1988. Curcuma vamana (Zingiberaceae): A new species from South India. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 12: 307-309. ISSN: 2050-9768. 2. Mangaly, J.K. and M. Sabu. 1988. Curcuma raktakanta (Zingiberaceae). A new species from South India. J. Econ. Tax. Bot.12(2):475-477. ISSN: 2050-9768. 1. Mangaly, J.K. and M. Sabu. 1987. Curcuma pseudomontana Grah. (Zlngiberaceae): A revised description. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 12: 159-162. ISSN: 2050-9768. Articles published in proceedings: 1. Thomas, V.P. and M. Sabu. 2010.Taxonomy of the genus Amomum Roxb. (Zingiberaceae) in Kerala. Proc. 22nd Kerala Science Congress 28-31 Jan. 2010. Peechi pp. 765-767. 2. Sabu, M. 2006. Numerical Taxonomy. In: K. Daniel Kutty. Proc. Nat. Workshop on Modern Trends in Angiosperm Taxonomy. 21-30. St. Thomas college, Kozhenchery. 3. P.G. Kavitha, Pratibha Nair, R. Aswathi Nair, B.K. Jayachandran, M. Sabu and George Thomas. 2005. AFLP Polymorphism and Pythium response in Zingiber species. Proceedings of the national symposium on Biotechnological Interventions for Improvement of Horticultural Crops: Issues and Strategies.232- 234. 4. Thomas, V.P., M. Sabu & U. Gupta 2006. Taxonomy of Amomum subulatum Roxb. Cultivars (Zingiberaceae). In: K. Daniel Kutty. Proc. Nat. Workshop on Modern Trends in Angiosperm Taxonomy. 48. St. Thomas college, Kozhenchery. 5. Prabhu Kumar, K.M., V.P. Thomas and M. Sabu. 2010.Economically Important Gingers. Proc. 22nd Kerala Science Congress 28-31 Jan. 2010. Peechi pp. 816-817. 6. Sabu, M. and J. Skornickova. 2003. Curcuma aeruginosa – A source plant for East Indian Arrow root – Extraction and uses. Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 196-200. 7. Skornickova, J. and M. Sabu. 2002. The genus Curcuma L. in India: Resume and future prospects. In: A.P. Das. Perspectives of Plant Biodiversity 45-51. Bishen Singh Mahendrapal Singh, Dehra Dun. 8. Sabu, M. and J.K. Mangaly. 1996. Taxonomic Revision of South Indian Zingiberaceae. Proc. 2nd Symp. Fam. Zingiberaceae, South China Botanical garden, Guangzhou, China. 15- 22. Chapters contributed to books: 1. Jayasree, S. and M. Sabu. 2005.Anatomical studies of the genus Curcuma L. (Zingiberaceae) in India. In: A.K. Pandey, Jun Wen and J.V.V. Dogra(Ed.) Plant Taxonomy: advances and Relavance CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 475-492. 2. Skornickova, J., T. Rehse and M. Sabu. 2006. Other economically important Curcuma species. In: Ravindran, P.N. and Nirmal Babu Ed. Monograph- Turmeric: The genus Curcuma. 453- 466. C.R.C. Press, Bocaratan, Florida, U.S.A. 3. Sabu, M. and M.G. Prasanth Kumar 2005. Revision of Amomum (Roxb.) (Zingiberaceae) in South India. In: A.K. Pandey, Jun Wen and J.V.V. Dogra (Ed.) Plant Taxonomy: advances and Relavance CBS Publishers and Distributors,New Delhi, 363-377. 4. Sabu, M. and Dave Skinner, 2004. Other economically important Zingiber species. In: Ravindran P.N. and Nirmal Kumar (Ed.). Monograph-Ginger: the genus Zingiber. 533-545. C.R.C. Press, Bocaratan, Florida, U.S.A. Books authored: 1. Sabu, M. 2006. Zingiberaceae and Costaceae of South India. Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy. ISBN:81-901637-0-1. pp. 281. 2. Sabu M., V.P. Thomas, K.M. Prabhu Kumar & K.V. Mohanan. 2011. Package of Practices of ornamental Gingers. Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy. pp. 28. ISBN:81-901637-2-8. pp. 281. 3. Jayasree, S. and M. Sabu. 2013. Anatomy of South Indian Zingiberaceae. Deutchland, Lambret Academic Publishing, Germany.ISBN:978-3-8443-9827-4.
Popular articles:
1. Sabu, M. & A.K. Pradeep. Poonthottathinu Alankara manjalukal. Desabhimani 2. Sabu, M. & A.K. Pradeep. Profile of Gardens of IBGN- Calicut University Botanical Garden.Indian Botanic Garden Network News letter. Vol. 3(!). 24- 25. 2005. 3. Sabu, M.& A.K. Pradeep. The Magnificient Torch Ginger, The Hindu, December 5, 2004. 4. Sabu, M.& A.K. Pradeep. Peacock Gingers. The Hindu, June 10, 2001. 5. Sabu, M. & A.K. Pradeep. Fragrant herbs. The Hindu, December 26,1999. Brochure: 1. Sabu, M. Conserve Indian Gingers, Prepared for A Project funded by BGCI, London. August 2005. 2. Sabu, M.Calicut University Botanic Garden (CUBG). July, 2006. 3. Ornamental gingers. Posters: 1. Mangaly & M. Sabu. Ethnobotany of Zingiberaceae. Botany 2000 Asia Zingiberaceae workshop. Prince Songkle University, Hat Yai, Thailand. 2. Sabu M. & J. Skornickova. 2003. Curcuma aeruginosa – A source plant for East Indian Arrow root – Extraction and uses. 3rd Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae, Khon Kaen, Thailand. 3. Skornickova, J., T. Fer, O. Sida, M. Sabu & K. Marhold. 2005. Taxonomic studies in Indian Curcuma: What is causing such confusion in the genus? Poster presented at the International Botanical Congress held at Vienna, Austria, 2005. 4. Sida, O., J. Skornickova, V. Jarolimova, T. Fer, K. Marhold & M. Sabu. 2006. 5. Prabhukumar. K.M., V.P. Thomas, A.V. Prasanth & M. Sabu. 2008. Domestication of Potential ornamental Gingers. International seminar on Multidisciplinary approaches in Angiosperm Systematics. 11 – 13th Oct. 2008. Abst. 0.6. 39. 240 - 241. 6. Eliska Zaviska, T. Fer, K. Marhold, O. Sida, M. Sabu & J. Skorckova.2009.Phylogenetic studies in Indian Polyploid Curcuma species using AFLP and ITS sequencing. 5th International symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. Xishuangbanna tropical Botanical Garden, CAs, China. Programmes and Abstracts. Pp.69. Bagged first prize for the best poster presented in the symposium. 7. Thomas V.P., K.M. Prabhu Kumar, A.V. Prasanth and M. Sabu. 2009. Charming Ornamental Gingers. Progranmme and Abstracts. pp. 8. Sanoj, E. and M. Sabu. 2009. The genus Hedychium Koenig in India: Programme and Abstracts. 9. Prabhu Kumar K.M., M. Sabu, V.P. Thomas and Indira Balachandran. 2011. Taxonomic and improvement studies on ‘Praying Mantis ginger’, a promising ornamental ginger. National Seminar on Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change. IMMT, Bhubaneswar. Dec., 2-4, 2011. 10. Thomas V.P.& M. Sabu. 2012. Phytogeography, Endemism and Conservation of the genus Amomum (Zingiberaceae) in India. 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. September 10-13, 2012, Calicut University, Programme and Abstracts, pp 85. 11. Vasantha V.A. & M. Sabu. 2012. Palynological studies on the genus Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) in South India. 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. September 10-13, 2012, Calicut University, Programme and Abstracts, pp 73. 12. Prabhu Kumar, K.M., M. Sabu, V.P. Thomas & K.V. Mohanan. 2012. Taxonomic and variability studies on ‘hidden purple ginger’ a charming ornamental ginger to the tropics. 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. September 10-13, 2012, Calicut University, Programme and Abstracts, pp 69. 13. Jayasree, S. & M. Sabu. 2012. Anatomical studies on the genus Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) in South India. 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. September 10-13, 2012, Calicut University, Programme and Abstracts, pp 67. 14. Anu, C., A. Chandrasekhar, J. Cissin, E.I. Suraby, K.P. Sayuj, M. Sabu & K.N. Babu. 2012. Development of SSR markers through EST annotation and genetic diversity analysis of Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) species using SSR markers. 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. September 10-13, 2012, Calicut University, Programme and Abstracts, pp 62. 15. Aiswarya, K. M. Sabu & George Thomas. 2012. Taxonomic study of Kaempferia and Boesenbergia (Zingiberaceae) in India. 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. September 10-13, 2012, Calicut University, Programme and Abstracts, pp 61.
Abstracts of papers presented in International/National Symposia/ Workshops. 61. Sreejith P.E., Alfred Joe, and M. Sabu.2014. Studies on Musa cultivars in South India: A taxonomic approach. International Conference on Trends in Plant Systematics. 31st Oct. – 3rd Nov. 2014. Souvenir and Abstracts 13. Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapally.( Bagged K.S. Manilal Award for best paper presentation 2014) 60. Alfred Joe, Sreejith P.E., and M. Sabu. 2014. Biodiversity conservation in NE India with special reference to native families of the order Zingiberales. . International Conference on Trends in Plant Systematics. 31st Oct. – 3rd Nov. 2014. Souvenir and Abstracts 13. Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapally.( Bagged R.S. Rao Award for best paper presentation 2014) 59. Sabu, M. 2014. Indian Zingiberales: retrospect and Prospects. V.V. Sivarajan Gold Medal Lecture. International Conference on Trends in Plant Systematics. 31st Oct. – 3rd Nov. 2014. Souvenir and Abstracts 3. Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapally. 58. Alfred Joe, Sreejith P.E., and M. Sabu. 2014. Wild bananas in NE India. Abstract. BD 15. 39-40. National seminar 2014. Green living for sustainable development. Govt. Brennan College, Thalassery. 57. Sreejith P.E., Alfred Joe, and M. Sabu. 2014. Indian Marantaceae – Taxonomy and Conservation. Abstract. BD 15. 39-40. National seminar 2014. Green living for sustainable development. Govt. Brennan College, Thalassery. 56. Ahamedul Kabeer T.K., and M. Sabu. 2013. The genus Zingiber Mill. (Zingiberaceae) in india. A preliminary survey. National seminar on Recent advances in Plant Taxonomy Research. RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur. 27-29, Dec. 2013. Pp 74. 55. Sreejith P.E., Alfred Joe, and M. Sabu. 2013. Taxonomic studies of Musa cultivars (Musaceae) in india. National seminar on Recent advances in Plant Taxonomy Research. RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur. 27-29, Dec. 2013. Pp 32. 54. Alfred Joe, Sreejith P.E., and M. Sabu. 2013. Taxonomic Revision of Musa (Section Rhodochlamys Musaceae) in india. National seminar on Recent advances in Plant Taxonomy Research. RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur. 27-29, Dec. 2013. Pp 11. 53. Ashfak Ahamed O., Prathibha T., Sabu M. and Mohanan K.V. 2013. Invitro propagation studies on pink ginger, a popular ornamental ginger through rhizome bud explants. National seminar on Forestry and Agriculture. 7-8. Nov. 2013. Pp 35. KFRI, Peechi. 52. Alfred Joe, Sreejith P.E., and M. Sabu. 2012 . Conservation of Musa germplasm at Calicut University Botanical Garden. International Symposium on Innovative Prospectus in Angiosperm Taxonomy. Amravati University. Amravati. Pp.36. 51. Sreejith, P.E., M. Sabu and Alfred Joe. 2012. Taxonomic Revision of Marantaceae in india. . International Symposium on Innovative Prospectus in Angiosperm Taxonomy. Amravati University. Amravati. Pp.40. 50. Prabhukumar, K.M., M. Sabu, A. Rajendran, and Indira Balachandran. 2012. Taxonomic studies on the genus Striga Lour. (Orobranchaceae) in Soutth India. International Symposium on Innovative Prospectus in Angiosperm Taxonomy. Amravati University. Amravati. Pp.39. 49. Thomas V.P.& M. Sabu. 2012. Phytogeography, Endemism and Conservation of the genus Amomum (Zingiberaceae) in India. 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. September 10-13, 2012, Calicut University, Programme and Abstracts, pp 85. 48. Vasantha V.A. & M. Sabu. 2012. Palynilogical studies on the genus Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) in South India. 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. September 10-13, 2012, Calicut University, Programme and Abstracts, pp 73. 47. Prabhu Kumar, K.M., M. Sabu, V.P. Thomas & K.V. Mohanan. 2012. Taxonomic and variability studies on ‘hidden purple ginger’ a charming ornamental ginger to the tropics. 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. September 10-13, 2012, Calicut University, Programme and Abstracts, pp 69. 46. Jayasree, S. & M. Sabu. 2012. Anatomical studies on the genus Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) in South India. 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. September 10-13, 2012, Calicut University, Programme and Abstracts, pp 67. 45. Anu, C., A. Chandrasekhar, J. Cissin, E.I. Suraby, K.P. Sayuj, M. Sabu & K.N. Babu. 2012. Development of SSR markers through EST annotation and genetic diversity analysis of Zingiber (Zingiberaceae) species using SSR markers. 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. September 10-13, 2012, Calicut University, Programme and Abstracts, pp 62. 44. Aiswarya, K. M. Sabu & George Thomas. 2012. Taxonomic study of Kaempferia and Boesenbergia (Zingiberaceae) in India. 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. September 10-13, 2012, Calicut University, Programme and Abstracts, pp 61. 43. Geethu Elizabeth, T, A.G. kiran, Leslie Augustine, , M. Sabu & George Thomas. 2012. Revisiting Queen Hypothesis using Zingiber species (Zingiberaceae) with contrasting breeding system provides evidence of better adaptive value for a mixed breeding system. 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. September 10-13, 2012, Calicut University, Programme and Abstracts, pp 41. 42. Aswani, K.& M. Sabu. 2012. Reproductive biology of Alpinia mutica (Zingiberaceae) with a note on flexistyly pollination mechanism. 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. September 10-13, 2012, Calicut University, Programme and Abstracts, pp 40. 41. Vinitha, M.R., U. Suresh Kumar, M. Sabu & George Thomas. 2012. DNA barcoding and molecular identification in Zingiberaceae – less success and more problems. 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. September 10-13, 2012, Calicut University, Programme and Abstracts, pp 28. 40. Thomas V.P.& M. Sabu. 2012. Taxonomic Revision of the genus Amomum (Zingiberaceae) in India. 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. September 10-13, 2012, Calicut University, Programme and Abstracts, pp 26. 39. Sanoj E.& M. Sabu. 2012. The genus Hedychium (Zingiberaceae) in India. 6th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. September 10-13, 2012, Calicut University, Programme and Abstracts, pp 21. 38. Sabu, M. 2012. Potential gingers of India. National Seminar on Recent trends and Future Prospects of Biodiversity and Conservation. 15-16 March, 2012, S.N. College , Punalur, Kollam. 34. M. Sabu, V.P. Thomas and K.M. Prabhu Kumar. 2010. Potential wild ornamental gingers of India: Domestication, Improvement of Agrotechnoques and popularization. 13-18 June 2010. 4th Global Botanic gardens Congress, Dublin Botanic garden, Dublin, Ireland. 33. Prabhu Kumar K.M., M. Sabu and A. Rajendran.2010. Some important medicinal herbsof the family Zingiberaceae. National seminar on Medicinal Plants. Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. 32.V.P. Thomas and M. Sabu. 2010. Taxonomic Revision of the genus Amomum Roxb. (Zingiberaceae) in Andaman – Nicpbar Islands, India. International symposium on Taxonomy, Plant Diversity and Conservation. Nov. 26-28 Nov. 2010. Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore. Sovenir and Abstracts. Pp. 32. 31. Prabhukumar, K.M., V.P. Thomas, M. Sabu & A. Rajendran. 2010. Effect of sucrose, benzyl adenine and 8-HQs in the promotion of cut flower vase life in Alpinia purpurata veil., a charming ornamental ginger. International symposium on Taxonomy, Plant Diversity and Conservation. Nov. 26-28 Nov. 2010. Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore. Sovenir and Abstracts. Pp. 260. 31.a. Geethu Elezabeth, R.A. Nair, M. Sabu and G. Thomas. 2010. Molecular evolution of APR5 protein gene in Zingiber species with continuing breeding system. Proc. International Symposium in Biocomputing. Pp.45. 30.Prabhukumar, K.M., V.P. Thomas and M. Sabu. 2009. Induction of off season flowering in Curcuma spp. and Zingiber sp. Through night break and low temperature. International symposium on “Angiosperm Systematics and phylogeny: Retrospects and Prospects” Nov. 12-14, 2009. NBRI, Lucknow. Abst. 121. 29. Thomas, V.P., K.M. Prabhukumar, A.V. Prasanth and M. Sabu. 2009. Charming ornamental gingers. International symposium on “Angiosperm Systematics and phylogeny: Retrospects and Prospects” Nov. 12-14, 2009. NBRI, Lucknow. Abst. 23. 28. Rajesh Kumar, T. and M. Sabu.2009. Taxonomy, phytogeograpy and Conservation and Endemism of Marantaceae in Andaman and Nicobar islands. Progranmme and Abstracts. pp. 27. Thomas, V.P. and M. Sabu.2009. Taxonomy, Phytogeography and Conservation of Endemic Amomum Roxb. (Zingiberaceae) in India. International symposium on “Angiosperm Systematics and phylogeny: Retrospects and Prospects” Nov. 12-14, 2009. NBRI, Lucknow. Abst. 24. (Bagged R,S. Rao award for Biodiversity Conservation (Angiosperms) for the Best paper). 26. Shameer, M.C. and M. Sabu. Digitalization of Zingiberaceae herbarium specimens of India.2009. International symposium on “Angiosperm Systematics and phylogeny: Retrospects and Prospects” Nov. 12-14, 2009. NBRI, Lucknow. Abst. 31. 25. Sanoj, E. and M. Sabu. 2009. The genus Hedychium Koenig (Zingiberaceae) in India. Diversity, Conservation and uses. International symposium on “Angiosperm Systematics and phylogeny: Retrospects and Prospects” Nov. 12-14, 2009. NBRI, Lucknow. Abst. 30. (Bagged S.R. Yadav award for Best poster). 24. Sabu, M., E. Sanoj, V.P. Thomas and T. Rajesh Kumar. 2009. Taxonomy of Indian Zingiberaceae: Retrospect and prospects. Opening Plenary lecture. 5th International Symposium on the fsmily Zingiberaceae. 6-9, July2009. Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical garden, China. Progranmme and Abstracts. Pp.20. 23.Sajeevan, R., P. Rajesh Kumar, M. Sabu & George Thomas. 2008. DNA Barcoding of selected species of family Zingiberaceae. National Symposium on “From Chrosomes to Genomes – Challenges and prospects. 26 – 28, March 2008. Department of Botany, University of Kerala. Abst. 37-38. 22.Rajesh Kumar, T. & M. Sabu. 2008. Taxonomic Revision of the genus Cautleya in India. International seminar on Multidisciplinary approaches in Angiosperm Systematics. 11 – 13th Oct. 2008. Abst. 0.1. 13. 60. 21. Shameer, M.C. & M. Sabu. 2008. Pollination Biology of Curcuma aurantiaca Zjp. and Zingiber neesanum (j. Graham) Ramamurthy of Zingiberaceae. International seminar on Multidisciplinary approaches in Angiosperm Systematics. 11 – 13th Oct. 2008. Abst. 0.6. 18. 201. 20. Prabhukumar. K.M., V.P. Thomas, A.V. Prasanth & M. Sabu. 2008. Domestication of Potential ornamental Gingers. International seminar on Multidisciplinary approaches in Angiosperm Systematics. 11 – 13th Oct. 2008. Abst. 0.6. 39. 240 - 241. 19. Sanoj, E. & M. Sabu. 2007. Plagiostachys nicobarica (Zingiberaceae), new generic record and a new species for Nicobar Islands. An important taxon to be conserved uergently. International seminar on changing Scenario in Angiosperm Systematyics.. 19-21, Nov. 2007. pp.48-49. 18. Thomas, V.P. & M. Sabu. New Records of Amomum spp. (Zingiberaceae) from India. International seminar on changing Scenario in Angiosperm Systematyics.. 19-21, Nov. 2007. pp.96. 17. Sabu, M. and Sanoj, E. 2006. Potential Ornamental Gingers of India. 4th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae, Singapore Botanical 16. Sanoj. E & M. Sabu. 2006. Taxonomy and conservation of the genus Globba Linn. (Zingiberaceae) in India. XVI International seminar on present trends and further prospects on Angiosperm Taxonomy. Abst. pp 26. 15. Thomas. V.P, M. Sabu & U. Gupta. 2006. Taxonomy of Amomum subulatum Roxb. cultivars (Zingiberaceae). XVI International seminar on present trends and further prospects on Angiosperm Taxonomy. Abst. pp. 31. 14. Skornickova, J. O. Sida, T. Fer, K. Marhold & M. Sabu. 2006. Back to Types! Painful questions in Indian Curcuma L. 4th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae. Singapore Botanical Gardens, Singapore. Programme 13. Sida, O., J. Skornickova, V. Jarolimova, T. Fer, K. Marhold & M. Sabu. 2006. Polyploidy in Curcuma: Key to the evolution of the genus? 4th International Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae Singapore Botanical Gardens, Singapore. Programme and Abstracts. Pp. 103. 12.Sanoj, E.and M. Sabu. 2005. Taxonomic revision of the genus Alpinia Roxb. in India. National seminar on emerging trends in plant taxonomy. R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur. Abst. & Souvenir pp. 73. (Bagged Prof. K.S. Manilal award for best paper in Revision including new species/new reports) 11. R. Aswathi Nair, P.G. Kavitha, Prathiba Nair, M. Sabu and George Thomas. 2004. Nature and Extent of Genetic Diversity in Zingiber species with Varying Mating System: Inference from Nucleotide Variation at NBS Loci and AFLP Polymorphism. National seminar on New Frontiers in Plant Taxonomy and Biodiversity Conservation, TBGRI, Thiruvananthapuram. Abstract pp. 100. (Bagged Prof. T.R. Sahu award for best paper in Medicinal Plant Systematics) 10. Jayasree, S.and M. Sabu. 2004. Anatomical studies of the genus Alpinia 9.Sanoj, E.and M. Sabu. 2004. Preliminary revision of Hedychium Koenig (Zingiberaceae) in India, National seminar on New Frontiers in Plant Taxonomy and Biodiversity Conservation, TBGRI, Thiruvananthapuram. Abstract pp. 75-76. 8. Skornickova, J. and M. Sabu. 2003. Genus Curcuma L. in Andaman Islands. International symposium on Plant Taxonomy: Advances and Relavance. Abstract pp. 23. (Bagged Prof. K.S. Maninilal award for best paper in Revision including new species/ new reports) 7. Prasanth Kumar, M.G. and M. Sabu. 2003. Revision of Amomum (Roxb.) (Zingiberaceae) in South India. International symposium on Plant Taxonomy: Advances and Relevance. Abst. pp. 23. 6. Sabu, M. and S. Jayasree. 2003.Anatomical studies of the genus Curcuma L. (Zingiberaceae) in India. International symposium on Plant Taxonomy: Advances and Relevance. Ab. pp. 111-112. 5. Sabu, M. and J. Skornickova. 2002. Curcuma aeruginosa – A source plant for East Indian Arrow root – Extraction and uses. Abstract. 3rd Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae, Khon Kaen, Thailand, Abst. pp. 26. 4. Sabu, M. 2002. The Zingiberaceae of India. National seminar on Plant 3. Sabu, M. 2002. Zingiberaceae of India with special reference to the genus Curcuma L. Abstract. 3rd Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae, Khon Kaen, Thailand, Ab. pp.21. 2. Sabu, M. 1995. Taxonomic Revision of South Indian Zingiberaceae. The second Symposium on the family Zingiberaceae, South China Botanical garden, Guangzhou, China. Abst. 17. 1.Mangaly, J. K. and M. Sabu. 1991. Ethnobotany of Zingiberaceae, Poster presentation in Zingiberaceae Workshop at Price of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand, Ab. pp.24.
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Project Team Sanoj E., Prabhu Kumar K. M., Mohammed Shameer Cheriyath, Prasanth A. V., Thomas V. P., Aishwarya K., Sreejith P.E., Alfred Joe, Ahmedul Kabeer |