Small forest plants with shoots consisting of 1- few leaves. Often with purple sheaths. Inflorescence radical or terminal, bracts distichous, each subtending one single flower. It comprises of about 80 species throughout tropical Asia. Distributed from India to Malaya. In India the genus is repreesented by 6 species with 2 endemics.
Department of Botany of the University of Calicut will ...
The workshop will cover both theoretical and practical ...
The Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy and the ...
(Baker) M. Sabu, Prasanth Kumar & J. Skornickova
Skornickova & M. Sabu
Sabu, Sanoj & Pradeep
Skornickova, M. Sabu & Prasanth Kumar
Sabu, Sanoj & Prasanth Kumar
Skornickova, M. Sabu & Prasanth Kumar